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36 Wildcats
36 Wildcats


AFCV NRW - Landesmeisterschaften 2012

11. Februar 2012
RWE-Halle, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr

- Rund um die LM
- Senior Cheer Dance
- Peewee Themedance
- Junior Freestyle S
- Peewee Cheer Dance
- Junior Cheerdance
- Peewee Freestyle S
- Junior Allgirl Groupstunt
- Peewee Cheer
- Senior Allgirl Groupstunt
- Senior Coed Groupstunt
- Peewee Groupstunt
- Senior Themedance
- Junior Themedance
- Siegerehrung
- Junior Allgirl Cheer
- Senior Allgirl Cheer
- Presentations Cup - Individual
- Presentations Cup - Groupstunt
- Presentations Cup - Cheer
- Siegerehrung (Hits: 269045)
Rund um die LM (13)
Senior Cheer Dance (26)
Peewee Themedance (38)
Junior Freestyle S (13)
Peewee Cheer Dance (11)
Junior Cheerdance (33)
Peewee Freestyle S (37)
Junior Allgirl Groupstunt (34)
Peewee Cheer (110)
Senior Allgirl Groupstunt (10)
Senior Coed Groupstunt (22)
Peewee Groupstunt (28)
Senior Themedance (28)
Junior Themedance (53)
Siegerehrung (21)
Junior Allgirl Cheer (71)
Senior Allgirl Cheer (31)
Presentations Cup - Individual (32)
Presentations Cup - Groupstunt (32)
Presentations Cup - Cheer (119)
Siegerehrung (30)
Juniors, Seniors, Presentations Cup

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